ROSES updates and extensions
Updating ROSES
The ROSES forms are the most up-to-date reporting standards for evidence syntheses of environmental evidence.
The 'gold standard' in evidence synthesis methodology is continually developing as our methods become more efficient and more reliable. To ensure they stay up-to-date, the forms may therefore need to be periodically updated with the latest gold standards in evidence synthesis and evidence synthesis reporting.
Periodic, minor updates to terminology and structure can be made instantaneously on this website, and strict version control will ensure that authors have access to the most up-to-date version of ROSES. These minor changes will have minimal impact on how reviewers use and fill in the forms. All minor changes will be transparently documented in the ROSES Current Version Update Record available below.
The Collaboration for Environmental Evidence and its journal Environmental Evidence are flexible, allowing you to use whichever version of ROSES was available when you started your review.
Major changes in the content of ROSES will require peer-review and publication of a new manuscript, describing how the new version of ROSES was developed and tested.

Extending ROSES
The ROSES forms are specifically designed to be appropriate for all environmental systematic reviews and maps, along with their protocols. However, we hope that the ROSES reporting standards can be extended for key aspects of systematic reviews and maps where reporting standards may differ depending on the methods used.
In these cases, ROSES extensions will be developed to help reviewers report their work to the highest standards. These extensions may focus on things like quantitative synthesis or qualitative synthesis, for example.
These extensions will be produced and developed by leading experts and will require peer-review and publication of a new manuscript. This will ensure that these extension standards are fit-for-purpose and represent agreement across the evidence synthesis community.